Final Chair Designs – Bleak Manor

Today I completed 2 final designs for my chairs for my synoptic project. I will include the process in this post for each chair.

I still do need to draw the chairs from other angles so they can be modelled, but these are the full colour finalised ideas for the smoking chair and the desk chair.

Smoking Chair:

Firstly I used research to sketch some chair ideas. Then I drew some on paper based on my favourites. I drew up an initial colour concept, also, of an early idea.

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The final Smoking Chair looks like this. I believe the height and red leather fit a Gothic living room very well and think it looks like a lot of classic smoking chairs, with my own personal touch.



Desk Chair:

I used the same techniques for this chair. I designed a few chairs on paper and on Photoshop. Considering the modellers, I decided to stick to a 4 legged chair, which most of my designs are, with Gothic carvings in the back.

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The final design came out like this. It is wooden and I opted for no cushion. It is a simple chair with some intricate details. There is a slight dip in the seat (something I’ve seen on a lot of wooden chairs) and swirls down the centre of the legs.



Both designs came out quite nicely and I know they are my favourites because I used my initial sketches to whittle my concepts down into ones which had the best features from my experiments.